Internship Advertisement
These days, you can't turn on the TV, open a magazine, or even ride the subway without seeing advertisements. An advertisement tries to convince you to do something, like buy a certain product or shop at a certain store. It gives you reasons why you should do something.
At the Internship Exhibition on Tuesday June 8, it will be your job to "advertise" your internship. Just like an advertisement you might see on the subway, each internship site will have an advertisement that communicates what your internship is and why other students might like to work there too.
Be creative. Think of the best advertisements you have seen. Good advertisements are interesting, easy to notice, and sometimes funny. How are you going to "sell" your internship to other students? How are you going to convince them that your internship site is a great place to work? What are the best things about your internship that you could highlight in your advertisement?
The Advertisement is your final product of internship this semester and will include all of your most important work related to your internship experience. Your advertisement can take the form of a 1) Presentation Display Board 2) Power Point Presentation 3) Googlesites web page (This will take extra time to learn the program.)
Below is a list of everything that you must include in your Internship Advertisement. Plan it carefully.
1) Updated Resume (including your Internship Experience)
2) Two typed blog entries
3) Photographic Essay (with ten photos)
4) Internship Final Reflection
5) Reference(s) Page
6) A typed transcript of the Interview you conduct with your mentor or a coworker
7) One Paragraph describing three of your internship duties
8) One paragraph describing a challenge you faced at internship and how you overcame the challenge
9*) One paragraph describing a typical day at your site
10**) Three pieces of advice you would give a future intern at this site
11) Five Internship Vocabulary Words from your post
12) Typed Thank You Letter to your mentor (done in Friday Internship meeting)
*For the typical day paragraph, look at your post entries and use examples from that to create a generic work day including:
-Time you arrived
-What you did that was familiar each day
-What you might have done that was new or different
-Something else that may have happened
-Time departed for home
**Consider challenges you faced or difficulties you had that could have been avoided if someone had given you advice a year ago.
Extra Credit Opportunities:
*Floor Plan of your internship site
*Organization Chart of your internship site
Your internship advertisement should be:
*Finished before Monday June 7th
*neat and attractive
*easy to read
*grammatically correct
*full of important and accurate information about the internship site